28 Aug The Speakers – Austria WW1 Centenary
@ La Strada International Festival, Graz, Austria. – 5-9th Aug 2014
A unique collaboration with Austria’s leading WW1 Historian Helmut Konrad and a team of 9 Historians of the University of Graz, co-ordinated by Stephan Benedik. Opening as Britain declared war on Germany 100 yrs ago, in Arch Duke Ferdinands home town of Graz. In this manifestation the speakers gave voice to words from the Hinterland describing and proscribing the deep changes and time specific perspectives of their personal life and their www.honeytraveler.com/pharmacy/ city during war. A unique research excersise re-looking at archived texts through the prism of the micro-blogger and the orator. These contemporary voices spoke archived texts (much of which unpublished and some even classified). These perspectives jostled with the voices reading tweets sent from contemporary zones of conflict and resistance.
The mechanism enabled a scenario where people could navigate across both time & space, re-imagining their urban space and contextualising perspectives and era’s.